The Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) allows the search of public criminal history record information maintained by the Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. Tolkien really hates Cartman because he is generally racist toward numerous minority groups, including black people. Cartman tries to murder Kyle again in "Fatbeard". Cartman as a metrosexual in "South Park is Gay!". However, in "Chef Goes Nanners", after they were working together on the flag debate, he entertained her by talking through two action figures. Cartman is shot and killed by someone within the game and he says, "Ah! Cartman kills a black demon, and is shown beating Saddam Hussein in a fight, whereas the military could not even harm him with machine guns. Cartman having a tea party with his dolls in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut". Through the help of Butters, Cartman successfully takes control of the time travel machine. However, there are many moments where they are at ends like earlier in the series, such as in the Coon trilogy. Granted, there really has not been much focus on this particular talent of Cartman's (since most of the story plots do not focus on it) so there's virtually very little known as to how he learned these other languages so well at such a young age. He's freeesh. The next day, at the Sooper Foods Easter egg hunt, Cartman claims that he is Jewish and knows how Kyle feels. Cartmans ass is shown to be very powerful in two ways: Cartman successfully fights off Craig using his ass in ". I feel that the only reason people hate him because he is bigoted and a brat. Cartman also once slingshotted Clyde in the balls for his own (and, as he later defended his actions in "Red Sleigh Down", Tolkien's) amusement. When Cartman believes that the creature could be real and is chained so the creature can eat him, he is tranquilized and is hazed. His primary goal of that was because he needed someone to pick on (he had started to pick on Butters, but Butters just was not feeling it.). In order to visit, you may not have been in our custody within the last six months. He also believes Jews to be incapable of many professions, such as basketball player, singing/rhythm, fireman, pirate or even so much as someone tough, however on some occasions his accusations have been proven true (particularly rhythm). ", and Bebe leans away from her computer and flips Cartman off, saying that she killed him within the game, when Cartman's character respawns, he immediately attacks Bebe and refers to her as a "bitch". In "Douche and a Danish", they both work together to help Denmark put an end to internet trolling. Cartman, though incapable of empathy towards people, exhibits a strong bond with cats despite being a speciesist. Cartmans electrokinesis is gone in the show, most likely removed as a result of Satan making everything "go back to how it used to be" as per Kenny's final request. The California Penal Code defines a criminal history record as the record maintained by the California Attorney General that contain information such as an individual's name, date of birth, physical description, fingerprints, photographs, date of arrests, arresting agencies and booking numbers, charges, dispositions, and . Also, in "Cartman Sucks", Cartman takes up his hobby of inviting Butters over, just to take embarrassing photos of him. That son of a bitch!". In order to try and trick the other boys into thinking that his hand might be truly sentient, Mitch/Jennifer (and thus Cartman) pursues a relationship with Ben Affleck during which Cartman proceeds to give Ben multiple hand jobs, one time even waking up in bed with a naked Affleck, his hand covered in "Affleck splooge". Butters is loosely based on Eric Stough, an animation director/producer that works on the show. Wendy's best friend, Bebe, often shows hatred for Cartman, as he does for her. It's quite the rap sheet. Cartman is horrified to learn that Scott's father was also his father. Caucasian Florence Cartman He is also shown to be very vulgar and disgusting, doing things like holding people down and farting on them and making them smell his rectum. On the other extreme, in the movie, he called The Mole a "'British piece of' shit", despite The Mole being supposedly French. However, neither one of them seems to realize the effects of their almost poisonous relationship, and continue to live in close contact with each other. In "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", he also was shown using a very potent type of mace designed for use on bears. 's in order to make some cash while they were out getting drunk on the streets or had killed themselves. Eh? They met again in "201", in which Scott resurrected the Ginger Separatist Movement that Cartman created, as part of a complicated plan to get revenge on Cartman by revealing who his real father was. Theft/Obstruction of Criminal Investigation Armed Robbery Violation of Firearm Laws/Threatening with a deadly weapon Arson Graverobbing Hate crime Kidnapping and false imprisonment Unlicensed Surgery Terrorism War Crimes Medical Terrorism Violation and Obstruction of the Pure Food and Drug Act Piracy Breaking and Entering Credit Fraud and . Where she leaves her estate (valued at $1,000,000) to Eric, citing that all the other family members would have spent it all on crack. The fact Cartman does this could indicate an unconscious sexual desire towards men (Ben Affleck in-particular in this case), Cartman's extreme lengths to trick his friend (despite them not being present to witness the hand jobs, making the actions pointless in the grand scheme of things), or that Cartman's Mitch Conner is part of a psychological break resulting in a multiple personality. Additionally, in "The Jeffersons", he alludes to despising Austrians, apparently failing to note the irony of the fact that he admires Hitler, who was Austrian. However, it is implied that ventriloquism is used only when the toys speak, and that they do indeed have a mind of their own. He has some Dutch and Irish descent, as in "Tom's Rhinoplasty", he mentions that his grandmother (Mabel) is Dutch-Irish. ", or "Would you like to sleep with me, Clyde?". However, Kyle, Stan and Kenny explain that such actions actually make Cartman look gay, which results in Cartman trying to get a picture taken of his own penis in Butters' mouth. He even eventually comes over to check if Kyle is okay, giving Stan a distasteful look. Confused, the horrified doctor hears her shoot herself with a gun over the phone, Looking back at his patient, Cartman says in a cold voice, "I'm not fat, I'm big boned". Butters, Kenny, or Craig usually act as his right-hand man, and recurring members of the groups include Tolkien, Craig, Clyde, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Butters, but most of the time they (with the exception of Butters and sometimes Clyde) seem to realize how mentally imbalanced he is. However, Cartman seems to have a grasp of cheating strategies (as seen in "Eek, A Penis!".) Many of Cartman's mannerisms were revealed to be inherited in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! Clyde Frog is stabbed and nailed to a tree with the word VENGEANCE underneath. This implies that Cartman cares about Stan's well-being to an extent. South Park: Eric Cartman, Best Of Season 14 - PART 1, South Park: Eric Cartman, Best Of Season 10 PART 3 - Season 11 - PART 1, South Park, Eric Cartman, Butt. Almost immediately on the psychologist receives a phone-call from his frantic wife, claiming that she moments ago received a police report about the psychologist having an affair with an under-aged girl. Cartman seems to be motivated not so much by personal gain as by asserting superiority over others. Their relationship plays its most significant role to date in the seventh episode of Season Twenty-One. The toxicity of their relationship plays a large role in the Season Twenty-One episode, "Sons A Witches". Kenny also aided Cartman in his escape when Cartman was charged with hate crimes. She thus desires that Cartman be her 'friend', and will do anything to keep him happy. He ran a regular podcast named Mad Friends (parody of Mad Money). Next, Cartman exclaimed "Es ist Zeit fr Rache!" Later when his supposedly real motives were revealed, knowing how Cartman typically is, Kyle promptly fights him in Kenny's defense, although Cartman was genuinely distraught over Kenny's illness before and after he learns that he can benefit from it. And beauuutiful, beauuutiful.). His most recent use of the weapon was in "PC Principal Final Justice", where he threatens his mother at gunpoint, who soon after reciprocated the action. It appears that Liane is convinced of her son's goodness and accepts any excuses or stories he makes up, no matter how improbable. Cartman's musical tastes run toward progressive and arena rock in general and maudlin power ballads in particular. After capturing Cartman and all the surviving possible fathers of South Park and Liane Cartman, Scott revealed that Cartman's father was a member of the Denver Broncos, but that the town covered up the truth because they did not want to ruin the Bronco's season by spreading knowledge of an illegitimate child scandal. -Eric Cartman, 'South Park' 'South Park' Cartman Quotes. Kyle finds him and takes him home and puts him to bed. Cartman is heavily implied to only pick on others because of the insecurity he has acquired from others calling him fat. Eligible requestors may use the report release application for crime reports, arrest reports, and traffic collision reports. Cartman also has bigotry towards extraterrestrials and is extremely xenophobic but that is simply because some visitors placed an anal probe into him twice, thus starting his speciesism. In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Cartman remorsefully apologizes to Tolkien for ripping on him for being black (thinking that he was a ghost and does not realize that he was being ignored at the time). However, it is possible he is using it as a generic insult, such as calling someone a "dick". Full Episode Reactions - - He is often concocting schemes to make money or fuck with his friens, mostly Kyle. Cartman is a good strategist, organizer and speaker. Cartman complains "Mom! Criminal Record Murder: In " Butt Out ", Cartman stabbed Rob Reiner , essentially killing him. The girls assume that Kyle has feelings for Heidi, leading Kyle to question his relationship with her, and he soon develops an interest in her. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. In "Bass to Mouth", when Mr. Mackey claimed that Cartman killed himself for being fat when the school faculty "threw him under the bus", Stan was only concerned with preventing Eavesdropper from publishing the biggest story. ", it is revealed that Cartman has an exceptionally tiny penis (even for a boy of 9 years old), and the insecurity of that seems to a leading or at least additional factor driving Cartman's psychotic rages. This is most apparent in "Asspen" and "Cartman Sucks". To manage Cartman's behavioral issues, she hires Cesar Millan. In "Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics", Cartman sings, "O Holy Night" (despite several interruptions). Cartman frequently bursts into song spontaneously, sometimes with melodies and topical lyrics of his own devising, although his musical talent is questionable. The second best result is Eric Cartman age 30s in Cleveland, OH in the Parma neighborhood. Cartman tells her that he does not think she is ugly, which makes Shelley feel better. In "Cartoon Wars Part II", Cartman used it to threaten the president of FOX, however he realizes soon that he forgot to load it, causing him to throw it to the ground in frustration. He instructs Clyde to travel back in time and kill Kyle, but was intervened by the older Kyle, before getting into a fight. He normally used to go to Chef with his problems, and Chef was always willing to help him. They even sing "Let's Come Together As a School" in a vain attempt to unify the boys and girls at South Park Elementary. In the episode "The Succubus" it is revealed that Cartman's eyesight is very bad. Among these toys, he rips off Clyde Frog's head. 2. Some of them are a success or failure: Cartman is notable for having a very large criminal record. In "The Simpsons Already Did It", after discovering that semen will fertilize his sea-people, he goes to a sperm bank to collect "sea-men". At the end of the episode, Cartman breaks up with Heidi, and leaves her heartbroken. At the end of the trilogy's third part, Cartman conjures up an imaginary Kyle to suck the balls of an imaginary Cartman. Kenny does not take part in smashing Eric's electronics in "Skank Hunt". However, as soon as she was done kisses him, she had no more feelings for him. Cartman's friendships with the other kids are clearly existent, but just not shown as much because of his personality. The schemes he has tried include; becoming a part of the Denver "tooth racket"; and stealing Tooth Fairy money from kids, starting a boy band called Fingerbang, and forming his own church and embezzling its collection money These all failed miserably for several reasons. In the earlier seasons, Cartman seemed either indifferent or hostile to Ike, although recently he has started to work with him more. In "Dances with Smurfs", Clyde Frog is seen on the chalkboard in Cartman's morning announcements implying that Cartman has fixed him. He has extremely exaggerated anger issues and violent tendencies when upset. However, after being released from prison and after winning the race against the girls, Cartman vows to never take his friends for granted again, much to Tolkien's delight, who starts to warm up to him. In "Pandemic", the boys decided to start their own Peruvian band to earn some spending money. He believes that ginger kids are the most evil people in the world and that they have no souls, which is clearly false. In Le Petit Tourette he unconsciously blurts out that he touched penises with his cousin. The back-and-forth of their outward conflict yet still regularly meeting with the other boys can be seen as somewhat ironic. The other boys watched, and realized that this was Cartman's delusional way of getting rid of his stuffed animals. Fucking bitch!". In "Die Hippie, Die", he believes that hippies will destroy the town, and while the rest of the townspeople are initially skeptical, his fears are eventually borne out. When shown a documentary to demonstrate why dressing like him is not cool, Cartman is enthralled and imagines himself being the one commanding the Nazi troops in the video. In the episode "201" Cartman completely ignores the fact that he got his own father killed and fed to his half-brother and is more concerned about being half-ginger. Everyone but Kyle likes the story, including Stan. Cartman is mostly known by his family name, and most characters, including Stan, Kyle, Wendy, and Tolkien, call him by his surname. An inmate may have one visitation per day. He also disagress with Bebe about farts in "Eat, Pray, Queef". Long Beach, CA 90802. Eric Theodore Cartman, usually referred to by his family name, Cartman, is one of the central characters of South Park . Well, at least we have assholes.". In fact, in "You Have 0 Friends", Cartman helped Kyle make new friends, even though Cartman did not appear to be gaining anything out of it. Er ist friiisch. ", where he and the others go on a trip to Nebraska to visit them for Christmas. Also, in "My Future Self n' Me" he spoke to Mexican workers in fluent Spanish, suggesting that he is, in fact, fluent or knows a few phrases. The fact that Stan is portrayed normally in the Christmas story hints that Stan is Cartman's friend, unlike Kyle, who is portrayed as evil. The episode is based on the ever growing Facebook craze. Ike joined Cartman's crew in "Fatbeard", and was the only Jew in the crew. However, the other children, except for Kenny, Butters (who explains sex in great depth to Jimmy "Erection Day" but in a childlike sort of way) and possibly Clyde, do not seem to have more knowledge of sex than Cartman, which is probably because they are only 9 years old. Eric Cartman, who dislikes foreigners, speaks Spanish and German in My Future Self n' Me and Pestemic, but it shows he can also. However, it was not until the Season Five episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die" incident that we see how deep his insanity goes, when he creates a highly elaborate and sociopathy scheme, resulting in murder and cannibalism. He is miserably and completely scrooged, determined not to give up the slightest amount of money, such as refusing to give a dollar to Afghan children in "Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants", "I'm not giving a dollar to those towel-heads!" He also stated that it has been his dream to own a million dollars since he was two years old. This sensitive and selfless side of Cartman is often a superficial cover up for a selfish scheme he has in mind. Butters has become Cartman's most frequent victim. In "The Passion of the Jew", Cartman also speaks German, but most of his words are mispronounced, leading us to assume he only knew a few Nazi slogans. However, when Cartman was creating a crew to free the town from the hippies, he chose Chef as the black man to sacrifice himself later. Even though Cartman is overweight, he always denies it (especially in the earlier seasons) by saying, "I'm not fat, I'm just big-boned", or some variation thereof. The family is seen again in the episode "Cartmanland", at his grandmother's funeral. All this occurs in "The Jeffersons". While Cartman did not necessarily pronounce the German words correctly, it was pretty clear that he understood what they meant in English and his followers did not. He is also racist and stereotypes almost everyone he sees. In "Goobacks", Cartman threatens Kyle and it leads to Kyle giving Cartman a bloody nose. Father It should be noted that before Cartman found out that Liane was his father, he had been told that Chef was his father. Cartman also displays a lack of knowledge about sex, despite the fact that his mom is frequently having sexual relations with other people in South Park; when Kyle says that Ike is too young to understand sex in the episode "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", Cartman replies, "What's there to understand? South Park is a long-running animated sitcom consisting of 25 seasons.Focusing on four crude and vulgar friends, South Park is full of hilarious characters. Scott Tenorman is Cartman's half-brother and nemesis. However, whenever all the boys join forces for a common cause, such as in "Marjorine", "Imaginationland" or "The List", Craig is usually Cartman's right-hand man. Cartman's song "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch" was joined by all the other classmates (minus Kyle of course), even getting Stan's attention in which Stan actually enjoys the song. Another contradiction occurs in "Tsst", when Cartman compares his mother who had been instructed how to treat her rampantly egocentric son by the Dog Whisperer, with Hitler, as a reason why she should be killed (although this is probably because Cartman is not being allowed to indulge in his personal desires). Cartman and Stan's friendship is clearly existent but it is very tense. Cartman's shining accomplishment (according to Comedy Central's list of "Cartman's 25 Greatest Moments") came in the episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die", a testimony to Cartman's hidden ingenuity and cunning, as well as the full extent of his cruelty and mental imbalance. Although Cartman frequently insults and taunts his friends, he sometimes appears to be more cowardly than they are when it comes to physical confrontation. Despite the severity of his actions, it is likely that they are a type of emotional defense mechanism against his insecurity and (potential) confused sexuality. His discrimination lead to him becoming a bully on Tolkien Black as he was African American. . In the episode "Jakovasaurs", Cartman makes up a song called "I Hate You Guys" where he sings: In the episode "Lice Capades" he attempts make Kenny a scapegoat for his lice problem (not realizing everyone had lice), and upon "proving" Kenny's guilt with an elaborate, phony experiment, Cartman then organizes a cruel "sock bath" hazing ritual for Kenny - continuing with it even after Mrs. Garrison reveals that everyone had lice. Cartman's hatred of hippies and allergic reaction to liberals could mean that Cartman is a conservative. This, of course, ruined Cartman's egotistical satisfaction at having humiliated him. An even bigger irony however, would be when he later discover that he was indeed half-Ginger, as his biological father, Jack Tenorman (who was also father of Scott Tenorman) was a Ginger football player for the Denver Broncos. "You are such a manipulative asshole, Cartman!" In the episode "Jakovasaurs", Cartman's backpack is shown with a tag that reads: In the future timeline set in South Park: Post Covid, he has converted to Judaism and becomes a rabbi, assuming the role as the head of Gespetzah Synagogue in Colorado Springs. In "Proper Condom Use", Butters is putting on a condom, when Cartman is caught by Kyle looking at Butters' penis; Cartman dismissively claims he was trying to see how to put on a condom, which Kyle does not believe. His sexism also made him turn his own mom into a personal slave who spoils Eric with anything he wanted, however, she started to resist him in "Tsst". Cartman would later claim it was just a prank on Kyle and the others. However, it is revealed that he only did it so he could earn money. His sexism is also seen in the series as he hates girls too but that is because he is sexually confused. Age In many episodes entire plots are centered on Cartman's antics against Butters. Cartman is also the only person who seems to take Kenny's deaths seriously. Even at the end of the episode, by which time Cartman usually reveals his ulterior motive(s), Cartman still focuses on the fact that Billy Mays is at peace. However, in the "The Death of Eric Cartman", during the scene where Cartman has Butters apologize to all of his peers in his stead (as he believes he is a ghost), he seems to wish to recant some of his earlier misdeeds towards Kyle (and obtain his forgiveness), and seems genuinely moved upon seeing him. Cartman is usually cold-hearted and selfish, but can be warm-hearted and caring on a whim. Liane constantly dotes over Cartman, doing almost anything he asks and at times even agreeing to his most horrible ideas and plans, such as signing him up for the Special Olympics in "Up the Down Steroid." He often cries out 'Stop cheating you black asshole!' While Cartman claims this to be an act in the end, these sexual actions seems to be unconsciously executed, due to the fact that during or after, Cartman is both shocked and disgusted. In "Trapper Keeper" when the cyborg says he has to kill Cartman, Stan asks if he can do it, and prepares to shoot Cartman before the cyborg decides against the idea. This event drove Scott insane, and during his time in a mental institution he plotted his revenge. implying that one of his relatives may have abused him. He later seemed dejected when Wendy told him her feelings for him were gone which obviously proved he fancied her. Indeed, the others consistently show a willingness to follow him and trust in his leadership when he is using his abilities for "good.". In "Cartman Sucks" he repeatedly invited Butters over to spend the night to play pranks on him, until it backfired on him and he made an inappropriate picture which featured him putting Butter's penis in his mouth, and which ended up being showed to the entire fourth grade class, humiliating Cartman instead of Butters. Who just shot me?! In "Tweek vs. Craig", Cartman trained Craig in sumo wrestling. In "Bass to Mouth", Cartman is oblivious to the fact that his making another student crap herself is useless when trying to prevent the suicide of another student. In the future timeline set in South Park: Post Covid, Cartman is supposedly converted into Judaism. Craig Tucker observed in "Fishsticks" that Jimmy was lucky Cartman was only asking for half the money that would be made from patenting a joke that Jimmy had come up with, and Cartman was intent on taking credit for (he had actually lied on the couch eating chips, offering no input). With this factored against his outrageous acts against her, it can be seen that he has a strong loathing of her and yet has some form of caring about her at the same time. Cartman's obsessive hatred of Kyle above almost all others, has called into question Cartman's deeper feeling for Kyle. Cartman is extremely anti-Semitic, and a great many of his bigoted actions are directed towards all Jews and especially toward his Jewish friend Kyle, whom he openly hates and considers sub-human because of his faith. Hair and eye color. In these episodes, he usually convinces Kyle that he has good intentions, such as in the "Cartoon Wars" two-parter, where Cartman appears to Kyle that he is concerned about people's safety at the beginning, but it is later shown to only have been doing it to get Family Guy off the air. Although he has committed many atrocities and crimes, he has only been arrested six times. Cartman also "punishes" Butters with the tetherball for not kissing another girl in "Butters' Bottom Bitch", though later he would praise Butters for kissing a girl for 5 bucks. Ironically, Cartman has an aunt who is red-haired. Cartman cries outside of Kenny's hospital room. Although they bicker constantly, the two have not full on fought since then, and have had a lot more moments together where they seem happy, such as Kyle sharing music with Cartman in "You're Getting Old". Student He is the "innocent child" in the group and Cartman's most exploited "friend". A primary school kid with the adult mind of a raging sociopath, he's the dark heart of the animation. This shows that the two are alike in mental health; homicidal and sadistic, which could be something for them to bond over. He is also always in Cartman's groups whenever Cartman assembles a group against other enemies. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Cartmanland. For Rush's Snakes and Arrows tour, a short animated clip was made to introduce the song "Tom Sawyer", featuring the boys from South Park as a band attempting to perform the song. In "Funnybot", Cartman speaks German to the Germans, seemingly offering them Kyle as a way to make peace with them, or just kill him. When he tried to win the Special Olympics by feigning a disability in "Up the Down Steroid" , Kyle attempts to talk him out of it by telling him, regardless of their differences, that Cartman will surely go to Hell for such an act; Cartman replies that Kyle does not understand that Hell is reserved for the Jews, indicating once again his self-righteousness. "; In "Scott Tenorman Must Die", Cartman had informed Scott Tenorman of his parents' death with a smile and a creepy voice; he also taunts him, saying, "Na na na na na na, I made you eat your parents, Na na na na na na. With me, Clyde? `` Asspen '' and `` Cartman Sucks ''. out & quot,! 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