During the press conference, Shea pointed to the pandemic for the rise in drug use and overdoses. In March 2021, the FBIs GETROCK Task Force obtained a wiretap and used a total of twelve wiretaps through June 2022 as a source of real-time information to intervene and prevent violence in Pine Bluff, Little Rock, and other communities throughout the state. By: News On 6. Prescription Drug Fraud + Laws. Fax Line:(501) 340-2728. (Photo KATV) It was an early morning wake up call for many Arkansas County residents Thursday morning as law. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, Diamond Hogs snatch victory late from Rallying Redbirds, Biden mocks Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Isnt she, Renovations underway at Carol Ann Cross Park in FS, AARP providing free tax help in Fort Smith, WATCH: Chenise Delce & Courtney Deifel preview Woo, Arkansas throtled at No. Those arrested in connection with selling methamphetamine, heroin and prescription pills incluede: Authorities with Van Buren, Fort Smith and Greenwood Police Departments, Crawford and Sebastian County Sheriffs Offices and Drug Enforcement Administration assisted in the matter. You have permission to edit this article. These efforts are part of several Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) operations. The office opened a joint investigation, which initially included the Drug Enforcement Administration, 16th Judicial Drug Task Force and Heber Springs Police Department. During the operation, including the arrests, more than 10 kilograms of methamphetamine and multiple ounces of heroin and cocaine were seized, along with more than $50,000. But when a deal goes horribly wrong, the consequences are deadly. Binders with meth instructions found in Quitman home. Prior to his death, Detective Collins was assisting FBI with intelligence related to criminal activity of these gangs, as well as surveillance, interviews, and arrests of individuals responsible for criminal activity in Pine Bluff. But when a deal goes horribly wrong, the consequences are deadly. -Robert Johnston, 54, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was sentenced Jan. 29, 2020, to 46 months in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Conspiracy to Distribute Heroin. More than $5,000 in stolen property was located and returned to owners. Additional information about the OCDETF Program can be found at https://www.justice.gov/OCDETF. A gun was found and he was also charged at that time with simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms. He added that treatment options for addicts and people struggling have been limited due to restrictions in place because of the coronavirus. -Stephanie Coleman,47, of Bentonville, Arkansas, was sentenced Jan. 29, 2020, to 18 months in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Conspiracy to Distribute Heroin. Stolen guns, property and cash were also found, police said. Twenty other defendants alleged to be part of Allens organization. Despite the closed border, federal . 12, 2019. Editor's Note: The attached video is from a report in February 2020. These seizures are significant not just because of the sheer volume, but because its a sign of a deeply concerning trend meth is pouring into the United States through our southern border and is destroying too many communities and more importantly, too many lives, said Shea. ARKANSAS, USA Arkansas authorities have completed a drug bust that resulted in more than $55 million in various drugs, 1,200 different arrests, and the recovery of hundreds of firearms.. We appreciate the collaboration between the federal and state partners that made this investigation possible., Todays arrests disrupted a major drug trafficking network in Northeast Arkansas and were the culmination of an extensive OCDETF investigation involving our numerous federal, state, and local partners, said Special Agent in Charge Upchurch. Bevillwas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty on Mar. This case is an excellent example of our plan to keep the trafficking of these drugs from causing even more deaths and even more damage to our communities in Northwest Arkansas. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. "We saw the families and children suffer more because of (the price increase)," Smith said. The DEAs focus is to interrupt the drug transportation chain in the cities that account for 75% distribution of all meth distributed in the country, Shea said. According to the search warrant affidavit, a Cleburne County deputy had launched an investigation against Brandon Brewer of Quitman, who owns a business in Cleburne County but lives in Faulkner County. Todays arrests are in conjunction with the announcement of these indictments of eight individuals who were charged by a federal grand jury on January 7, 2020. New Orleans Resident Pleads Guilty to Drug Conspiracy. LITTLE ROCKThree federal investigations culminated in 45 arrests this morning. After a search warrant was signed and approved by a judge, the search warrant was executed at the residence to continue the investigation. A news release Tuesday from the Sherwood Police Department, which collaborated with several other agencies to investigate the group, stated that more than 20 people were arrested during the investigation, which concluded Feb. 23. 202300706. Collins was shot and killed in October 2020 while serving an arrest warrant. The statement said weapons, including machine guns, cash, and drugs have been seized as part of the investigation. They were discovered hidden in a truck delivering medical supplies from Mexico. Official websites use .gov The portion of the investigation that concluded with todays arrests resulted in the seizure of more than five pounds of methamphetamine and six firearms. P.O. This created an inflation in the U.S. drug market during March and April, said 12th and 21st District Drug Task Force Director Paul Smith. (KNWA) Twenty-four people were arrested on warrants following a 10 month drug investigation, according to Van Buren police. Michelle Chenowith. Four of the firearms, including an AR-15; numerous additional magazines, some with extended capacity; and over $35,000 in cash, were seized as part of todays arrests. The drugs were seized at an alleged stash house east of Los Angeles in Perris, California, on October 2. He was the leader of the drug trafficking organization and the last of 25 people to be sentenced in the drug conspiracy. Fall enrollment on WBUs main campus in Walnut Ridge [], A suspect vehicle was last seen driving in the direction of Jonesboro on Highway 1. A Mexican citizen was busted trying to enter the U.S. with nearly 18,000 pounds of meth and fentanyl combined on Thursday, a seizure that U.S. Customs and Border Protection called record-breaking. A low level operative would not be trusted to hold $18 million of drugs in a house. Shea said that the capture of the drug kingpin Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, interrupted the Sinaloa Cartels operations, making room for rival Jalisco Cartel to rise and clash. Judge Bourne set bonds for both suspects in the amount of $400,000 and they remain in custody at the Pope County Detention Center at this time. The international release of the film features a different score, composed by. Fentanyl is a pharmaceutical n opiatethat is showing up more than heroin these days, he said. Los Angeles, one of nine cities targeted by Operation Crystal Shield, is a hub for drug traffickers because of the proximity to numerous freeways and airports. Please disable your ad blocker, whitelist our site, or purchase a subscription. Three more defendants, Quincy Martez Chambers, Deandreian Devonte Meadows, and Joseph Riggins, Jr., are charged separately in stand-alone indictments. Wednesday, June 10th 2020. Barling, a city of about 5,000 that borders Fort Smith on the southeast side along Rogers Avenue, is no different than "any other town," Spells said. Moore, 41, and two othersLakendra Thomas, 27, and Jullian Woods, 33, all of Jonesboroare charged with conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine as well as distribution of methamphetamine. An official website of the United States government. The maximum penalty for the drug charges is not less than 10 years in prison and up to life imprisonment and a $10,000,000 fine. Authorities completed the search by 2:27 p.m. and seized two handguns, a backpack with 11 magazines, two binders containing paperwork on how to manufacture methamphetamine as well as four motorcycle jackets as evidence, according to the search warrant inventory list. Wisewas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty to an information in Feb. 2020. 4, 2019. Woodromewas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty on Nov. 8, 2018. Besides the meth, the DEA found more than 880 pounds of cocaine. Neither these AP materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and noncommercial use. Sheriff Allen Cheek is not revealing much about the two month long investigation though. Thats a significant amount of meth, Timothy Shea, the DEAs acting administrator, said at a press conference on Wednesday. POSSESS FIREARMS BY CERTAIN PERSONS. Meanwhile, fentanyl pills can be purchased illegally on the street for $15-$20 a pill, he said. An additional co-conspirator has been indicted but has not been arrested and is currently a fugitive. 2023 Cable News Network. An affidavit states Brewer had a large quantity of cash when he was stopped. Oviedowas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty on July 9, 2019. STUTTGART, AR - Wednesday, the Arkansas County Sheriff announced 19 arrests in a major drug bust. Drug Use by State: Problem Areas. On Oct. 23 just after midnight, Arkansas State Police stopped Brewer on Interstate 30 just outside Malvern for driving 76 in a 70 mph speed zone. In that case, the driver, a 47-year-old Mexican citizen, was arrested and turned over to a joint federal agency investigative team, according to a US Customs and Border Protection statement. (KNWA) Twenty-four people were arrested on warrants following a 10 month drug investigation, according to Van Buren police. 2020 R 1 h 57 m IMDb RATING 6.0 /10 13K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 2:26 3 Videos 43 Photos Crime Thriller Kyle and Swin live by the orders of an Arkansas-based drug kingpin named Frog, whom they've never met. Drug Seizure Statistics FY2023. Published: Oct. 16, 2020 at 1:15 PM PDT. There were over 100,000 drug overdose . (News release) - Multiple arrests in fentanyl-related operations in central Arkansas this month dismantled three drug-trafficking organizations, including one which directly led to the death of two individuals. This article originally appeared on Fort Smith Times Record: Police in Barling, Arkansas target fentanyl trafficking, CDC: Overdose deaths among Black and Indigenous people surged in 2020. Officers also found a complete clandestine methamphetamine lab during the search. This investigation culminated in the indictment of 18 defendants. Breaking News Coordinator. While meth continues to be a major problem,fentanyl, even in a small dose, can kill quickly. Of the 80 defendants indicted in the three investigations, 8 of those were already in custody when this mornings roundup began. During the same time frame, the number of DEA arrests related to meth rose nearly 20%. An additional warrant was gained for his Faulkner County home, also in Quitman. Four motorcycle jackets are also listed as seized from the Faulkner County home. Acting DEA Administrator Timothy Shea announced the bust at a press conference Wednesday. This is an ongoing effort to identify and arrest individuals within our community involved in distributing drugs, trafficking firearms and stealing from the hard-working families in our community, Sgt. In all, the 21 defendants are named in 48 different counts. -Michael Wells,49, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was sentenced May 20, 2020, to 68 months in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Conspiracy to Distribute Heroin. Moore fired towards the living room, where minor children were sleeping. THEFT BY RECEIVING. Williamswas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty on Mar. What is the Hindi language plot outline for Arkansas (2020)? -Gabriel Whitener,36, of Watts, Oklahoma, was sentenced Aug. 14, 2019, to 210 months in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Conspiracy to Distribute Controlled Substances. POSS W/PURP TO DEL CONT SUB STIMULANTS. The investigations focused on rival gangs responsible for violence throughout central Arkansas, with one operation focused on the EBK or Every Body Killas gang and resulting in the indictment of 35 defendants. Most of the defendants were arrested in a coordinated law enforcement sweep in November . The National Read Across America Day takes place every year on March 2, Geisels birthday. Pine Bluff Police Detective Kevin Collins was shot and killed in October 2020 while serving an arrest warrant on an EBK associate wanted for a homicide in Georgia. "This is a danger to the community," Spells said. Marion Wise,of Cave Springs, Arkansas, was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison Tuesday for conspiracy to distribute heroin. She served an additional 78 months on that sentence and was on supervised release when she was pulled over with methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia on Jan. 7, authorities said. Today's arrests are in conjunction with the announcement of these indictments of eight individuals who were charged by a federal grand jury on January 7, 2020. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. He was charged with trafficking controlled substance. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. February 22, 2023. The investigation is ongoing and more arrests are expected. Early morning drug raid puts nearly 30 Arkansas Anika Lynn Bagby, 28, Misty Huckaba, 41, and Otis Antonio Wilson, all of Palestine, Arkansas, each received one indictment from the Hunt County grand jury Friday of manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance Penalty Group 1, in an amount of more than 400 Operation Wagon Wheel Takedown utilized court-authorized wiretaps to intercept . The large-scale drug operation in Northeast Arkansas is, according to one of five related federal indictments, headed by Eiichi Moore, a known member of the Crip gang. Search: Arkansas Drug Bust 2020. A news release stated from April 2019 to Jan. 2020, Moore and six other people conspired to distribute meth in the Jonesboro area as part of a state drug bust. On Monday, June 22, 2020, at approximately 5:25 p.m., the Pottsville Police Department along with Pope County Sheriff's Office and Arkansas State Police, . Read this: More than 107,000 Americans died from overdoses last year. Fentanyl is the latest dangerousdrug that police see more of these days, said Barling Police Chief Darrell Spells. All 25 individuals have now been sentenced by the United States District Court for their roles in a heroin and methamphetamine trafficking ring that operated in Benton and Washington Counties in Arkansas, in addition to jurisdictions of California, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arizona and Mexico. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, the . The organization is alleged to be led by Britney Allen, 33, of Jacksonville. Assistant U.S. Attorney Allison Bragg said any of those not under federal indictment were likely charged at the state level and not under federal jurisdiction. Peelerwas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty on Dec. 7, 2018. All rights reserved. 12 Tennessee, 75-57, WATCH: Eric Musselman and Ricky Council IV break, Delce Tabbed Wilson/NFCA National Pitcher of the, Dr Pepper Strawberries and Cream StaycationSweepstakes, Fringe jackets to mom jeans, locals bring back vintage, How balanced are you? U.S. Navy veteran has found a new way to serve others through the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association and he encourages veterans to consider doing the same. David Clay Fowlkes, First Assistant United States Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas and Brad L. Byerley, Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration, announced Thursday all 25 had been sentenced. []. Yet despite the country's best efforts to fight it, the problem is getting worse, and is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 3, 2020, at the U. In Sebastian County this year there have been about six overdose deaths with fentanyl detected in theblood, said coroner Kenny Hobbs. The units investigations and operations are coordinated out of FBI Little Rocks field office, and GETROCK continues to serve as the clearinghouse for gang-related law enforcement activity in Central Arkansas. 17, 2021 at 3:53 PM PDT PARAGOULD, Ark. Showing 1 - 10 of 10919 results. The operation targeted members of a reported "drug-trafficking organization" led by 33-year-old Britney Allen of Jacksonville, who was named by officials in a press release announcing the operation on Tuesday. The DEA has arrested 500 people across the country tied to what they call one of the biggest and most ruthless drug cartels in the world. Note: Internet Explorer has problems displaying the following charts. The Barling Board of Directors provided $20,000 a year for officers to work overtime to combat drug trafficking. During the search of the home, Pottsville Policeofficers located and seized 13.3 ounces of THC wax, 18 pounds of Marijuana, 5 pounds 7 ounces of Methamphetamine, 1 pound 1 ounce of Ecstasy, 7 firearms,and evidence of gang affiliation. On June 26, 2020, Barling police Lt. Stephen Becker responded to a call about a passenger in a vehicle who was unconscious from an overdose. The drugs in that bust were seized at the Otay Mesa port of entry to San Diego. Federal grand juries returned multi-count indictments against 25 individuals in the Northwest Arkansas area and beyond for their roles in a large-scale drug trafficking conspiracy. The investigation and prosecution of this operation began mid-2018 through the October 2020. The second investigation focused on the Loady Murder Mobb gang and resulted in the indictment of 26 defendants. Named is Branden Lee Brewer, 43, of Quitman. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Erin OLeary. Thursday, March 12th 2020, 6:22 pm. Investigation revealed the drugs were being mailed into Arkansas from California, and these shipmentswhich included kilogram-quantities of methamphetamine and thousands of pressed fentanyl pillswere then distributed to individuals in Little Rock and Pine Bluff as well as Houston, Texas. Its a massive amount.. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Brewers social media shows an active participation in motorcycle club activities. Watch Trending Movies to Stream Right Now in May. Director Clark Duke Writers Clark Duke (screenplay by) Drug abuse has a long and storied history in the United States, and we've been "at war" with it since 1971 under the Nixon administration. -Ari Sorto, 28, of Springdale, Arkansas, was sentenced May 19, 2020, to eight years in federal prison followed by one year of supervised release on two counts of Knowingly Using a Communication Facility in a Drug Trafficking Crime. Stolen guns were also purchased, according to police. The United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Arkansas says law enforcement made numerous arrests in the White County area in connection to a federal investigation into gang and drug activity. More than 107,000 Americans died from overdoses last year. This prosecution was part of the Western District of Arkansas' Operation Sticking Points, which is part of the Department of Justices Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) program. Sherrellwas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty on Feb. 19, 2019. As stated in the release, two of those indicted, Litton and Flanagan, were previously indicted together in 2006 for conspiracy to manufacture a substance containing methamphetamine, according to court records. We will continue to focus our Federal Criminal Resources to investigate, convict, and obtain lengthy sentences for all those who would seek to import and distribute these deadly drugs into the Western District of Arkansas, said First Assistant US Attorney David Clay Fowlkes. Flanagan was sentenced to 24 months in prison and three years supervised release before reoffending in 2014, the release said. Hobbs said he has to wait for toxicology results from the state crime lab in Little Rock to determine acause of death. A Warner Bros. Faulkner County Sheriffs office, with 20th Judicial Drug Task Force, Quitman Police and the Drug Enforcement Administration searched Brewers home and found two binders with instructions for making methamphetamine as well as two handguns and a backpack containing 11 handgun ammunition magazines. This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. Material from the Associated Press is Copyright 2023, Associated Press and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. His 2018 Chevrolet pickup truck was searched and eight pounds of methamphetamine with an estimated value of $358,400 was recovered. Director, writer and actor Clark Duke is originally from Arkansas. -Jonathan Hannah, 35, of Rogers, Arkansas, was sentenced Feb. 13, 2020, to 54 months in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Maintaining Drug-Involved Premises. Arkansas State Police agents, sheriffs' investigatorsand Greenwood police make up the task force. The white powdery substancecan kill a person quickly. Thats worth repeating. And you know some people turn to drugs to deal with that.. Moorewas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty on Nov. 15, 2018. There is nothing more sacred to a biker than his motorcycle-This is why you should never steal a bikers motorcycle, Ep 936 Hells Angels A violent price to pay **FULL AUDIO**, Ep 936 Pagans Motorcycle Club Causing Panic in Missouri **FULL AUDIO EPISODE**, Pagans Motorcycle Club Causing Panic in Missouri **Video**, IS THE HARLEY SPORTSTER CONSIDERED A GIRLS MOTORCYCLE **VIDEO**, HERE'S THE TRUTH ABOUT UNCLE SHAGGY & THE INVADERS MC, Pagans Motorcycle Club Causing Panic in Missouri, https://insanethrottleinternational.files.wordpress.com/2021/01/discord-commercial-harley.mp3, https://insanethrottleinternational.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/motorcyclemadhousemayhempromo.mp3. -Matthew Woodrome,38, of Rogers, Arkansas, was sentenced May 8, 2019, to seven years in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Possession with Intent to Distribute Heroin. Someone whos responsible for this quantity of drugs is someone who is very, very trusted by the cartels, Bodner said. Updated December 22, 2020 7:06 PM. -David Moore,32, of Fayetteville, Arkansas, was sentenced April 4, 2019, to 46 months in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Possession with Intent to Distribute Heroin. There are 20 other defendants involved, 13 of whom were arrested early Tuesday morning. Its not a perfect movie,but it dont deserve the ratings that people are giving to this title,a 6*It may be slow sometimes,but its a quite good and entertaining and it also has his funny moments,for me its a solid 8******** You wont regret it. Of the 300 arrests made for various criminal complaints this year, 200 of those are illegal drug-related, he said. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. The indictments stem from an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, or OCDETF, investigation that began in March 2016. The nine -- Brian Litton, Robin Flanagan, Gustavo Flores, Patrick Stevens, Johnny Peters, Brandi Myers, Lisa Paul, Zachary Scott and Wayne Dillon -- are charged with conspiracy to possess with. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Trenton, N.J. - Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and New Jersey State Police Superintendent Colonel Patrick J. Callahan today announced arrests of seven men and the seizure of illegal drugs worth $580,500 in the takedown of a major fentanyl and heroin mill in Paterson, N.J., which . "I appreciate the Board of Directors realizing the problem and giving us the resource to help fight drugs in our area.". Little Rock, AR 72203, Telephone:(501) 340-2600 SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -Gregory Jobe, 32, of Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, was sentenced July 31, 2019, to 15 years in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release on one count of Distribution of Heroin. Nothing is more important than keeping our communities safe. Whitenerwas indicted in the Western District of Arkansas and plead guilty on Mar. The increase in fentanyl is widely noted. The other six defendants are being held in federal custody and will be seen Thursday by United States Magistrate Judge Jerome T. Kearney. Press Release When buying cowboy boots, there are a few aspects to consider, such as how far up they go on your legs and their design. U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Arkansas, Investigations Built on the Work of Late Pine Bluff Detective Kevin Collins, Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (LECC), Three Federal Operations in Pine Bluff and Little Rock Lead to Dozens of Drug & Firearm Arrests, Little Rock Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Distributing Fentanyl That Resulted in Death, Jonesboro Man Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Methamphetamine Conspiracy, Being a Felon in Possession of a Firearm, Little Rock Fentanyl Dealer Sentenced to 18 1/2 Years in Prison, Three Federal Operations In Pine Bluff and Little Rock Lead To Dozens of Drug & Firearm Arrests. July 9, 2019 Buren police and drugs have been limited due restrictions. To distribute heroin indictment of 18 defendants collins was shot and killed in October 2020 indicted... Fight drugs in a computer except for personal and noncommercial use police agents, sheriffs ' investigatorsand police! 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