", I have tried many versions of keto/carnivore/low carb/fasting, and Dr. Boz was the first one to explain WHY keto works, and the process which helped me get really fat adapted. I want to just stop My glucose was 109 this AM first thing and Ketos 0.3. I have been living a ketogenic lifestyle for over three years and. I did enrol in the 11th hour. champion of brain health information. I knew all along that some of my life choices and habits were negatively impacting my life. I had previously been able to lower my DBR in the past with fasting, but during this class, I lowered my DBR from 9-67 for 13 days straight! Without the supplies, patients cant study themselves. But after finding Dr Boz last year and finishing the online course in November, I felt it important enough to give in and join bookface - strictly for Neuron group. We have used this for our Keto support group. I have started a small class with friends who are all grandparents. For example: TG = 120 mg/dL and HDL=40 mg/dL. I have been reluctant to do the hard work. I discovered Dr. Boz's videos and quickly developed a trust in what I was hearing. There is a huge need up there. So Seyfried's Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) looks to be a factor 18.016 (Glucose to mol conversion) smaller than Dr. Boz Glucose Keto ratio. As he battle an aggressive non small cell lung cancer (stage 4) my weight went higher and higher. The Dr. Boz channel was where I learned the method used to track the ratio between ketones and glucose in my blood. Sandra Case-Reeves, Excellent Course! Because we are in the time of COVID-19 we began meeting via Zoom & a FB page and have people from all around the globe. Years ago, as an adolescent (68 now) I experienced ketosis and autopagy while. Thanks, Son Gncelleme : 26 ubat 2023 - 6:36. I didn't realize how much impact they were making. Can you send it to me? A special thank you to our team leader Donna. It has been transformational in changing the direction of my health, and my thinking, as far as what will help the brain to heal. This course has not only provided the guidance I needed but also the tribe to help in my success. Words cannot come close to explaining how brilliant this course was. FORACARE gets my vote because its accurate and takes only ONE test strip to get the results. To learn there is hope to heal our brains from all of the trauma we all have endured at one time or another.. from life traumas as a child, witnessing horrible abuse, being held up with a gun as a child to having prescription narcotics and numerous toxins from chemo. to KNOW steps I can take to repair this damage is just amazing! Linda (Lancy) Chandler December 2021 Class, I initially signed up for this course for myself alone. If you struggle learning how to navigate YOUR personal chemistry, then this is just the course you need. I started my Keto diet before finding Dr. Boz and this course material and by the time I began the course I had already been testing my blood ketones and was sometimes getting readings which, quite frankly were a little scary and for which I really could not find a good answer (Thankfully all was good, but I didn't know that then). Thank you! I have learned so much. I have been on a very hard journey with Keto going from one camp to another without results. Also the case studies of actual students, all with different situations (I was one of them) taking the course helped to answer a lot of questions I had. One way is through acetone. I was back up to 200 lbs again after losing down to 145 with keto the first time. I first caught on to your ratios about two years ago when I started Keto and IF after listening to you and Dr Fung on YT and my new knowledge lined me and some family/friends to embark on this new journey. . The small groups (a mixture of experienced and beginners) setting we were in provided the type of support and encouragement to help make my journey a success. No other doctor or teacher in my life has given me this confidence. https://youtu.be/IUHKTLZz_js They said I needed to adjust my eating so as not to have another flare up. BRAINS: From Trauma To Repair! Being a nurse it helped me too. 4.3 Measuring Ketones & Dr Boz Ratio 112. Dr. Bosworths (Dr. Boz for short!) Also, a way to reference Dr. Boz as a wonderful link, expert and After reading this book, we decided to stress our metabolism weekly with a 36-hour fast. This objection truly made me laugh. 3 Beds. Dr. Boz packs years of study and experience with broken brains into lessons I can understand. I thought the final section on the city council piece was particularly helpful. In the matter of a few weeks he now has evidence that he does, in fact, sleep well. The pain was terrible the last time and I just want to "love" it again without pain. Can't tell you how much I appreciate you and your heart for helping others! Regards, Nancy. I kept seeing the horrible advice she was given by health professionals through those years and feeling pretty helpless to help her. Then this program is for you. It gives me hope that there is so much that a good and well informed doctor can do to help this worldwide problem of addiction that causes so much harm to mankind. The knowledge found in this course is a true gift to the receiver. I hope to be a shining example of what a 75-year-old can do to maintain both physical and mental health for the rest of her life! We've created friendships & support that feels really empowering. So grateful to have learned all of this from dr Boz her teaching is top notch her heart for what she does shines through as always. You don't need to be a "fasting star" to learn from this investment. Keto is the password that people keep throwing around and you have terms such as, dirty keto good keto, carnivorous keto all describing meal plan. Choose anything you have tried to change: smoking, drinking, better sleeping habits, exercising, dealing with an annoying coworker. Not until I found your channel did I get the BEST information on how to measure ketones, BS, and how to break through this stall and get my numbers down into a truly therapeutic range! They said I needed to adjust my eating so as not to have another flare up. It is really easy, and nice to navigate. I love how seemingly complex concepts are broken down into bite sized pieces. I finally realized just how much damage Ive done to my body over the better part of 4 decades. Can this class really help me? developing educator. I had no idea how I was going to use this new knowledge. Still I was hungry most of time during long fasts. He refuted the idea that mediation was beneficial. To learn there is hope to heal our brains from all of the trauma we all have endured at one time or another.. from life traumas as a child, witnessing horrible abuse, being held up with a gun as a child to having prescription narcotics and numerous toxins from chemo. to KNOW steps I can take to repair. His health is improving one sleep at a time. Tomorrow 2/10/23 is our last day of the program but our coach-Angie and our group of 7 are continuing on to meet once a week to help and support each other through this new lifestyle change. Thank-you again for posting on YT and I, like many, were devestated about hearing the news about your mom. Breath-acetone does validate this urban myth-minus all the drama. Here is my video review of the 21 Day Metabolic Kick class. Thank you Dr. Boz and Coach Larry, you have been a gift. I love listening to her voice, enthousiasm, stories, conversations with her kids, jokes, What you measure changes, and this spreadsheet will show you the truth about your health numbers so you too can improve your health One Ketone At A Time., Dr Boz It was well worth the investment of time and money. This course is truly amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone struggling with addiction in order to empower yourself to be able to pay it forward to those you love and also the unlovely. I love that we can reap the keto benefits together <3 The fact that a brain can heal and improve with certain processes is incredible! I have taken the Brains course and in September of 2022, I took the first 21 DMKS class. Below 25% body fat for women and below 15% for men is a great goal, while a waist-to-height ratio of less than 0 . It's freeing! This lecture is so well crated and Dr. Boz did put in a lot of effort to create this. You are appreciated! After a year of failures, unanswered questions, being shamed, and basically being told you need help. I am 71 years old and joined this course with one goal in mind - Lose the weight ! There are three ways to check if youre producing ketones: blood, urine, and breath. Yes, Yes, Y E S!!! The course was fantastic! The ketogenic.com calculator does the hard work for you. Start Tracking http://bit.ly/2GgTSPq Start by selecting imperial or metric units and your gender. I have gained weight and have been at a stall for the last. 4.4 ketoCONTINUUM #6 124. I was determined to learn everything I could about Keto and in my search, and God's grace, I found Dr. Boz. The only downfall is that my 81-year-old husband is in love with her! Listening to the stories. Your bloodstream holds quite a bit of extra ketones. When acetone is in your breath, you are in ketosis. I found myself in, I have tried many versions of keto/carnivore/low carb/fasting, and Dr. Boz was the first one to explain WHY keto works, and the process which helped me get really fat adapted. After going thru this course, I've learned some additional techniques to get me this period with success. (I am also sleeping well for the first time in decades. I have been pushing them to offer a ketogenic nutrition program -at least optional- for their patients. Ive had readings like BG 76 BK 3.9 for a DBR under 20, BG 71 & BK 2.4. I am just overwhelmed with the lack of fact based nutritional, brain and sleep knowledge we are provided in the general public. I have been over weight my entire life. To resist the 67 years of carbohydrates that are aging and destroying my body and mind. Thank you, Dr. She's dedicated countless hours to make a medically complicated topic accessible to the average person wanting to live their healthiest life possible. Any number greater than 0.5 mmol/L translates to nutritional ketosis. I am just overwhelmed with the lack of fact based nutritional, brain and sleep knowledge we are provided in the general public. Once you get behind HOW KETO WORKS and understand the way your body is designed to function and heal, you will see the difference your lifestyle change is making "one ketone at a time". I followed the Continuum to the tee and lost 65 pounds, BMI down to 22.7, arthritic knee pain resolved and all blood markers are in optimal ranges. My long term goal is to bring this course to the inmates in the prisons in Huntsville Texas. I have gone through this course a second time because there is so much material in this course that I could not apply it because my life style and my metabolism was not ready. Write down the number you got. Best I have ever taken and I have taken 100s through online sites like Linkedin Learning. Keto is the first time in my life that felt like coming home, like I was finally able to eat normally and not have an appetite that never ends and is never satiated. I cannot even. I have gained weight and have been at a stall for the last 18 months. Chapter 25 . Thank you. Everyone in our group. I have been battling T2DM, IR, thyroid and other issues my whole adult life. Healing my brain has renewed my desire/want to be an inspiration to all I meet and as Im utilizing the training in this course its opening me to believe more in me and my abilities and worth. I just have not enough words to say Thank you for such a great course and teaching me to really take care of my health. Dr. I never thought I would be able to do a fast. A born ability to teach. I learned so much in this course. BRAINS: From Trauma To Repair! User Manual (Pulse Oximeters) What is the estimated set up time? I found myself in the keto rut along the side of the road since summer of 2019 from stress of pandemic and 2020 election madness. Best wishes, This ratio calculator will accept integers, decimals and scientific e notation with a limit of 15 characters. My medical conditions and mental health only got worse. Not a fuel. You have a gift of teaching. The 21 DMKS class taught me so much. I think everyone gets a lot out of the program. Thank you Dr. Boz, If a year ago you would have told me that I would eat 20 cabs a day, stay fasted for 16-20 hours a day and lead a support group, I would have laughed out loud at you. They have no carbs and fill you up with great nutrition. I have been following Dr. Bozs YouTube videos weekly since June of 2018. A healthy brain is key to great performance - to be the best server possible for the body. I would go between the refrigerator and the pantry and I would never feel full. This is clearer if the first number is larger than the second, i.e. A friend had loaned me their login info so I could watch it and during the second module I had an overwhelming desire to start my own group, to get the information to my husband, to my kids and to as many people as I could! I come from a carnivore background and a lot of people believe they are in ketosis because they are carnivore. Then I ordered Keto Continuum, book and workbook, and enrolled in your course. Yes, that is exactly what Dr. Bosworth has. It helped me to understand more clearly the Keto Continuum book and workbook with hands on experience. I am hopeful that I will continue to stay the course that the course has put me on. I was so impressed that we were able to ask questions in our group with Dr Boz joining with us on zoom. I, Just finished this course! God Bless you Dr Boz. Real-time, accurate feedback. Dr. Boz, thank you so much for thinking outside of the box and empowering all of us to help you change the health of the world. This course helps to build on what I had already learned. I took a chance by enrolling in this Course, not being sure if it would address my husband's issues with Parkinson's. This class is amazing at helping a motivated person (beginner or advanced) TRYING to follow the keto continuum to ACTUALLY following the keto continuum. I retake the course whenever I stumble along the keto road and I learn something new each time. This explains so much. That's something you can say, "Here, the reason I want it low in you Mr. 40 year old with high cholesterol is that if you take your cholesterol, genetic or whatever it's from and you watch what will it do to your . Thats why I bought your course, to figure out how to stay Consistently Keto, no matter what I face. I started this class while on a cruise and still made I through this course with flying colors! Because I loved it so much, I am already planning on attending the next class in September. My WHY is easy to stay alive. I was in that group. I learned more about the importance of sleep, about meditation and even about a couple of very simple exercises that can help repair your brain. I learned a new way to describe myself through this class. My glucose started dropping and my ketones started rising. I will also share this material with my children and my church. It doesnt matter if youre young or old this online course has something for everyone to improve their health. I learned a new way to describe myself through this class. The videos were available to view at my own pace and we had one day a week live with Dr. Boz.I was happy to have my questions answered but I learned even more from listening to the questions of others that I had not thought to ask.I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in improving their health.Thank you for sharing your knowledge and research in. If you keep your DBR at 80 or lower you will keep the benefits of losing weight and healing your body from the inside out, as well as aging backwards. Acetone escapes from the body through our breath. I am not always perfect, but I have finally realized that I don't have to be. Next, fill in your age, height, weight, and activity level. After completing this course, I am committed to begin working on my own addictions and brain repair prior to teaching others. I have completed six 72 hour fast. As you can imagine, there is a lot of good info and a lot of bad info available there and it is sometimes difficult to determine which is which. Q. Measure them. Now I have my goal weight 140, AM glucose and ketones are wonderful and healthy. When we restrict carbohydrates and use The procedure to use the ratio calculator is as follows: Step 1: Enter the x and y value in the respective input field. I keep imagining how I am going to share it on a larger scale. When I do this, not only will I not lose, I will gain, EVEN sustaining impressive keto readings. Since I have been following Dr Boz for 3 years, I did not think I needed to take this course. I have followed Dr Boz for several years, I have been off the wagon and back on again several times. I had been getting emails about this course for over a week and just thinking about signing up. This course has given this 59 year old hope for a healthier retirement, Dr. Boz is so great at explaining the science, step by step the keto continuum is brilliant, with flexibility to meet you where you are and take you slowly and safely into ketosis and stay there to heal your body. This course changed all that. My husband has been treated for cancer that is somewhat controlled. Just enough info in each video to stir thoughts, change beliefs and inspire action for newbies and veterans alike. I am part of a very active support group. Acetone is a waste product made from excess acetoacetate, AcAc, in the bloodstream. Since then, I have had a lot of 'start overs' and was struggling. She provides much reference material in Bibliographies with convenient links to them. It focused me on what I needed to do to lower my blood sugar ( being a 15 year diabetic and 78 years old). The first step in calculating your macros is establishing your basic energy needs and your body type, weight, and activity levels. Coaches are so supportive and knowledgeable. So I am excited to get be back on keto and have this Keto Continuuem course to help keep me on track. ), a plan to follow, excellent leadership, accountability, and most importantly, support from peers with similar goals and challenges. have tried and failedtried again and gotten frustrated with the overwhelming amount of (mis) information out there. These passed 20 days (tomorrow is our last day) has brought me into the science of our metabolisms. https://youtu.be/pfi_FE9HH2Q, Hi Dr. Boz! This course has given me what I need to succeed at the ketogenic diet. Read More, Dr. Boz Reverses Medical Problems with Healthy Keto Living, Use the Dr. Boz Spreadsheet to Calculate your. Yes, Yes, Y E S!!! Now I have to clean up the continuums so I am in a good metabolic state that can fit to my none fasting lifestyle. I feel very blessed to have found her for guidance. After you first cross the ketosis threshold, your blood ketone numbers can soar into the high 3.0-6.0 mmol/L range. I discovered Dr. Boz's videos and quickly developed a trust in what I was hearing. I already have my own private fb group and a small daily text group for accountability. I will watch it again and again and find ways to apply the information to help people. Our group leader Heidi Arthurton did a great job, providing everything a leader shoulder do including education, support. I am so grateful for Dr Boz and all the info she shares. Body fat % and waist:height ratio are also valuable markers to understand your overall level of metabolic health. With this newfound knowledge, I feel more capable of facing the hard times that come with removing those habits and dealing with the hardships that come as I face a life of sobriety. I started keto in September of 2018 after I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was in Patrick Vassar's class and he was phenomenal. I knew nothing much about it but I knew things were not right with my body. I have some very mild plaque in one of my carotid arteries (hoping to reverse that with my therapeutic boz ratio) but no impaired blood flow. These 21 days have given me exactly what I neededa kickstart to my Mind AND Body! The course was fantastic! Questions for my daughter who has had her gallbladder removed. Its what separates this lifestyle from the last fifteen attempts you had to improve your health. I love my bulletproof coffee with butter and MTC peptides chocolate. I really like how Dr Boz put the course in the Continuum order. I have also taken Dr. Bozs Keto Consistency and Brains course. My medical conditions and mental health only got worse. Once set, the offset maintains at the same ratio regardless of the main delay setting. The Chovdar Collecion of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan as a source for he study of Khojaly Gadabay culture burial tradition This course helps to build on what I had already learned. Dr Boz selflessly shared with us her knowledge day after day, and as a result we got better and better. Thank you Dr. Boz for your passion to help those of us who, Excellent Course! It pays to do Keto the RIGHT WAY!!! I don't know if I would have ever completed a fast (very important for lowering blood sugar levels) not taking this course, but it was the fast that brought my blood sugars down from the mid 200's to the low 100's currently. Down to 310 lbs from 350 and then stalled - FOR 2 MONTHS. The presence of ketones after years of eating high carbs pushes their body to remember how to use FAT-based (ketone-based) energy. This is not normal for me as I usually have to plan everything. Got the suggested reading cookbook its also helping. Thank you Dr. Boz, you have changed my world. I took a chance by enrolling in this Course, not being sure if it would address my husband's issues with Parkinson's. It's very fulfilling & rewarding. I started Atkins again in Sept 2020 with very poor results. We have moved twice to 2 different states in the past half year and have to say having the consistency of the Tuesday evening support meetings has been a godsend. I started this class while on a cruise and still made I through this course with flying colors! Check out the book ANYWAY YOU CAN on Amazon or Audible by Annette Bosworth, MD to learn more about this way of eating and how to measure ketones. - Dr. Boz [ Dr. Annette Bosworth MD ] by Health Solutions with Shawn & Janet Needham, R.Ph. 10/10 recommended! I almost said the heck with it all. Meet once a week. I was surprised at some of the simple brain hacks that were powerful yet simple. This was really amazing. Dr. Boz is fantastic at teaching, and she gives so much of her time to us. I was in Ronda Bishop's small group. So many questions were answered that could be applied to my heath issues. And then we did a 72-hr. I am a medical doctor, and I am used to watching a lot of medical conferences and lectures. After looking for so long in youtube for keto experts, thanks God I found Dr Boz. Then Dr. Fung had fasting and talked about longer fast for body set point. The life experiences Ive had up to now have taken a toll on my brain and having Dementia and Alzheimers in my family sparked a desire in me to heal my brain and if. We have to unlearn calories in/calories out and relearn how to lower our insulin and inflammation. Personally I ended up with some technical questions about the assessment and also how head injuries impact older brains. I am 30 lbs overweight. Did our first 12 hour fast! I don't want to have diabetes, heart disease, or any number of health issues that I have seen over 30 years in the medical field. I have to admit, I wasnt sure it would really be worth the $1,000.00. There is so much extra noise in the health space, it is hard to know if you're doing it right especially when you're not getting the results you want. In your breath, the AcAc ketone breaks down further to acetone. So I had been pretty serious keto and exercise since recovering from the stroke in May (still doing therapy) BG started coming down to 120-140 or so. Up time in the prisons in Huntsville Texas from peers with similar and! Dealing with an annoying coworker am also sleeping well for the body adolescent ( 68 now ) I experienced and! Need to succeed at the same ratio regardless of the 21 day metabolic Kick class not only I! The next class in September going thru this course, to figure out how stay... 310 lbs from 350 and then stalled - for 2 months usually have to clean up the continuums so am. On my own addictions and brain repair prior to teaching others goals and challenges retake... Regardless of the main delay setting me to understand more clearly the Keto,... 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