Gleason said within a few years, he survived two "scary moments," when wrong-way drunks passed him in the left lane onthe Hutch and the Cross-County. Blood-Ethanol-.19g/100mL. Fort Valley State University student Missing Where is Anitra Gunn? The three passengers of the Trailblazer, 81-year-old Michael Bastardi, his 49-year-old son Guy, and their friend, 74-year-old Dan Longo were also likely killed on impact. The specifics of what happened in Diane Schulers car after the phone call are unknown and have been pieced together through witness accounts and toll information. These are all well thought out theories and I appreciated reading them as potential reasoning as to how this could have happened. About the THC in the tox report that reading indicates it could have been in her system up to 3 days prior. in 75 years. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. }, First published on November 10, 2009 / 2:05 PM. Marijuana can be tainted with all kinds of things. The autopsy report, prepared by Dr. Aleksandar Milovanovic of the Westchester County medical examiner's office, describes Diane Schuler's body and her injuries in grotesque -- but makes no mention . While I dont necessarily understand the circumstances surrounding the driving arrangement when leaving the park, it serves as a reminder that maybe two adults should be present when there are more than two kids in a car. It causes your body to remove fluids from your blood through your renal system, which includes the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, at a much quicker rate than other liquids. A 1.75-liter bottle of Absolut was found in Schuler's wrecked Ford Windstar after the fiery July 26 smash-up, which killed her, her 2-year-old daughter, her three young nieces and three Yonkers men in the SUV she hit. The two occupants of the Tracker suffered only minor injuries. And he never got his son any kind of counseling. Sounds like an answered prayer! OK! Diane Schuler and her husband Daniel on their wedding day. That doesnt sound like some kind of situation where the stomach is manufacturing the alcohol. Her stomach was empty. She wasnt alone on the Taconic, either. Ada Hart. CI 125 mmol/L I really dont know. Daniel Schuler, Diane Schulers husband, outside attorney Dominic Barbaras office in Garden City. I knew something was wrong with my ex I had him tested for celiac disease, I had him get an endoscopy, a colonoscopy. I really think something else happened to her now. Hold on. I dont see the fit. Eight people, including four children, were killed in the three-car head-on collision July 26, 2009 in Briarcliff Manor along the Taconic State Parkway. There have been more wrong-way incidents in the decade since and, while the Taconic tragedy is still the deadliest, it still bears hallmarks of most wrong-way crashes: They are rare, they are often deadly and they are oftenfueled by alcohol. My exes issue was revealed when he a) got caught drinking at work and, on the same day, b) when I forced him to go to therapy to discuss what I thought was severe anxiety/depression and he revealed the problem to his therapist. The entire event took less than three minutes. The impact killed the Bastardis and Longo, Schuler and her daughter, and all three Hance sisters. "There were two that came to mind shortly after the Taconic incident where there were wrong-way drivers on the Taconic and both were intoxicated and both were charged with not only driving while intoxicated but also reckless endangerment," Becerra said. For some reason, both times, I called my son and he talked me into pulling over. There are aneurysms, blood clots, cysts that could have been overlooked, and it does mention a lot of clots that are not specifically stated as post mortem. Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that help control the amount of fluids and the balance of acids and bases (pH balance) in your body. Of course, increased potassium is very dangerous and our body responds by releasing insulin, because insulin helps to temporarily regulate potassium levels. Of the 1,566 wrong-way fatal crashes in the six years covered by the 2012 report, 936 of them 60 percent "had indications of alcohol involvement." That Diane Schuler, . was there any abcesses??? Susan Watts/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images. There is a possibility that Diane was septic which can cause delusions and hallucinations. ", PREVIOUSLY ON CRIMESIDERAugust 11, 2009 - Paper: Reunion in the Works for Wrong-Way Crash FamiliesAugust 10, 2009 - Paper: Wrong-Way Crash Mom's Husband Had DWIAugust 7, 2009 - Crash Mom's Husband: Killer or Victim: Who Was Wrong-Way Crash Mom?August 6, 2009 - Crash Mom's Husband: "I Would Marry Her Again Tomorrow" August 5, 2009 - Despicable! Along the route home, the minivan party participated in several road trip rituals; stopping at McDonalds and several gas stations. The autopsy also revealed that Schuler was impaired by marijuana, DiFiore said. Please, please relay this information to the family if you know them. The man was not actually drunk at all. if in fact she had been a hidden drinker there are factors also present which triggered her to start comfortably drinking in the first place. Though this seems viable, the results show that she smoked anywhere from 30-60 minutes before the crash. I think they know about her personal life, and blame her for doing this on purpose. "With everybody basically having a cellphone, if someone spots it they're going to call immediately and hopefully we can get there and get to the person and intercept them," he said. Unless you believe that a woman whos like a PTA mom of the year decides this is the day I dont give a damn, Im going to have eight or ten shots and smoke a joint in front of my kids and nieces, then something else had to happen, said Daniel Schulers private investigator. Schulers BAC was discovered to be .19, double the legal limit, and that she had smoked marijuana as early as 15 minutes before the accident. Diane Schuler was able to do so. He and his dad, Michael, and their family friend, Daniel Longo, were heading to Yorktown Heights for a family Sunday pasta dinner with family. One theory I had was that perhaps an infection within her oral cavity, left untreated for so long, could have resulted in bacteria (or even fungus [yeast???]) The report also said that she had high levels of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in her system and had smoked marijuana as recently as 15 minutes prior to the collision. Given potential chronic infection in the mouth area, the infection could possibly travel to the brain and could potentially result in effects similar to what Diane was experiencing on that dreadful day. She and her husband Daniel had been camping for the weekend with their children and nieces at the Hunter Lake Campground in Parksville, New York. These lives passed instantly when the crash happened. Lucy Letby- Killer Nurse? My husband is type one diabetic and Ive witnessed myself multiple times him have episodes and they are always different. They dont even know whats going on with themselves. The van was indeed Schulers. Hold on hold on. Police believe that the car was stopped in a pull-off area beyond the Tappan Zee Bridge tollbooths for at least part of this call. Several people who witnessed the accident immediately ran to assist the victims. The NTSB reported that, from 2004 to 2009, there were: The report bore out what Becerra and Gleason have found in their years on their respective police forces: Wrong-way crashes more often than not involve alcohol. This is neither here nor there, but two things: And then I flew out of the car like Superman. Katie Serena is a New York City-based writer and a staff writer at All That's Interesting. Schuler left Liberty just after 11 AM, traveling along Route 17/Interstate 86 and Interstate 87, entering the Ramapo service area, and crossing the Tappan Zee Bridge, heading east. Daniel is still trying to prove there was a medical reason for her actions. Schuler, her two-year-old daughter and three nieces were killed in the crash along with the three men in the other vehicle. The end of the book reveals Mike Bastardi's own theory about how Diane Schuler came to be driving drunk and stoned at 85 mph in the wrong direction. Schulers 5-year-old son Bryan and one of her nieces initially survived the crash and were taken to a local hospital. Diane Schuler was driving back from a weekend at a Sullivan County campground. Being in pain and disoriented, and not being able to see, her need to get her kids home may have been the only focus thought she had, however, we will never ever know. It also explained the handful of witnesses who had reported seeing Schuler driving erratically, those claiming to see a woman vomiting on the side of the road, and the daughters phone call claiming Schuler was having trouble seeing and thinking clearly. Thats when I tried to tie together the Auto-Brewery Syndrome and a blood infection. She then drank her emergency vodka to stop them. . Toxicology Results. It could of been overlooked. Any high is replaced by agitation or depression. display: none; On July 26, 2009 Diane Schuler killed herself and seven others when she drove the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway. There were no masses, fibrosis, hemorrhages, legions, no fatty changes, inflammation, necrosis or tumor; Liver unremarkable, kidneys normal, pancreas unremarkable. Of those that responded to the crash, the first two were fellow drivers who had witnessed the ordeal. Thats the only thing that made it bearable, that boy, LaGrippo said. In 1934, a bus on its way from Brooklyn to Sing Sing prison in Ossining, New York drove off an embankment and plunged into a ravine. She is seen claiming that she was told not to pick up and that she didnt understand any of it.. So far, it seemed just as it was a typical New York family heading home after a camping trip. Maybe she and Danny had a fight before she left? Sadly her in-laws, who lost their three beautiful daughters, refused to speak afterwards. I just recently found out about the 2009 Taconic State Parkway crash that involved Diane Schuler, a 36-year-old woman who was driving southbound in the northbound lane for 1.7 miles before crashing Another life-threatening consequence caused by untreated infections within the body could be meningitis. The red Ford minivan hurtled down the fast lane of the northbound Taconic State Parkway in Mount Pleasant but it wasn'tgoing north. The campground co-owner, who claimed to know the Schulers well and saw them off at approximately 9 AM that morning, said that Schuler appeared sober when she left. *******Headache, delirium, confusion. That person was charged and convicted. All of these things could be the cause of her behavior. Then, read about John Jairo Velasquez, the hitman nicknamed Popeye who killed more than 250 people. Bastardis car was also carrying his father Michael Bastardi, 81, and their friend Daniel Longo, 74. The family really needs to know about this because its more likely that Diane had this condition, called Auto Brewery Syndrome, than drinking 10 cups of alcohol before driving with children in the car. It specifically does NOT state alcohol. I would have never left him alone with my children if I suspected he was intoxicated. Im not buying any other excuse. Daniel also revealed that his wife smoked marijuana occasionally but never to excess and only for insomnia. Arthur Boyko of Troop K. The ages of the victims and the nature of the accident made it harder.. Eventually, despite the Schuler teams efforts, investigators ruled the crash a homicide after claiming the deaths were caused by negligent driving. Impossible. The fact that witnesses all say she was totally sober etc. Urgent: if anyone knows the family of Diane Schuler, they need to let them know theres a very rare liver condition that can be triggered by an infection (Diane had a possible tooth infection!) Police told WCBS that this information supports a new theory of the fateful night that Schuler, who smoked marijuana regularly according to her sister-in-law, but did not drink often, was overcome by the 10 shots of vodka she is believed to have consumed during her deadly drive. They lie and change their stories, depending on what they think people want to hear. And if she was in that much pain, why the hell would she keep driving? Archer, who works for the family of victim Daniel Longo, said the documents confirm much of what Schuler's husband Daniel refuses to discuss: his wife Diane was a pothead. I was married twelve years and I swear on my life I never for a second thought his drinking was anywhere near as bad as it was. 2:50. The pain of the abscess, combined with vodka and marijuana, could have put her in a temporary state of deliriumthat triggered her fatal behavior. The Absolute vodka bottle the photo shows a broken bottle, no one knows how much was even in that bottle and it was found in the back of the car, not near the driver. Diane Schuler her two children and three nieces did not get any chance to survive the crash. It wasn't until days later that the toxicology report's stunning results were known. Actinomycese is a rare but aggressive invasive bacteria that causes a disease called Actinomycosis. Apparently, it happens. "But they are much more likely to result in fatal and serious injuries than are other types of highway accidents.". An astonishing sequence of pictures of the final minutes of Princess Diana's life have emerged as the long-awaited inquest into her death finally opened today. I just discovered this article and am feeling some sad relief that Im not the only one who failed to recognize an addict was right under their nose. The Unsolved UK Podcast Diane Schuler/Taconic Parkway, Unsolved 13th Apr 2019 1 Minute. Jennifer Fairgate and her briefcase of bullets. Diane Schuler, of Long Island, was heading south on the northbound Taconic State Parkway in . I hope they can get some kind of answers for this family. Diane was the first pulled out of the car. According to the Alcohol Help Center, at 0.15%, gross motor skills are impaired. Ruskin then informs her that his tests corroborated the previous tests; that Schuler was highly intoxicated from alcohol and marijuana. Upon further inspection in to his medical history he was taking a medication for an infection that would have made him violently ill if he had drank more than 16 oz of beer, or more that a single shot. I was about to post the same comment about this condition as well. My husband had an abscessed tooth that ended in a brain infection, and it was nothing like this. Where things stand in the Alex Murdaugh double murder trial Diane Schuler, her daughter Erin, and her three nieces also died in the crash. } On July 26, 2009 Diane Schuler killed herself and seven others when she drove the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway. first of all, the autopsy report states they checked several areas in her brain and found nothing out of the orinary. Panicked, Hance told Schuler to pull over and stay off the road. Taconic death-driver Diane Schuler's family is seizing on autopsy results as proof she wasn't an alcoholic - even though they show she was drunk and stoned. He doesn't remember what happened in the car. Volunteer fire chief Joseph LaGrippo, one of the first at the scene of the horrific Taconic crash, described it as something no human should have to see., Ill never forget what happened that day.. The fiery July 26 crash on the Taconic Parkway killed Schuler, her 2-year-old daughter, three young nieces and three men in the SUV. But there is a reason and we'll never know what that reason is. November 10, 2009 / 2:05 PM Deep infections can occur if left undiagnosed and can result in symptoms characteristic to which Diane experienced (such as frequent headaches). The Journal News. Within the next minute, four more 911 calls were placed by motorists who reported that a car was traveling the wrong way down the parkway. The woman's 5-year-old son survived. Thank you! I also understand that there are plenty of people who have more than 5 kids and travel/drive just fine, just thought Id mention that. The bus was instantly engulfed in flames, ultimately resulting in the loss of 20 lives. Schuler then talked to Hance herself and said that she was disoriented and couldnt see clearly. None of the results are flagged as being out of range but in fact some are (3 of them listed below) as follows: glucose normal range in women is between 70 and 99 mg/dL. However this time, since she had been drinking on and off during the weekend and maybe even other times leading up to that weekend, she probably did not eat well (substantial nutrient rich foods) and probably did not drink alot of water. Symptoms include ******nausea and vomitting******* Has anyone ever considered that may have happened to Diane Schuler. I think she decided that day to carry out an action shed been contemplating for a while. Remember the bath salts driving party-goers insane a few years ago? display: block; My exes extreme alcoholism didnt happen overnight. Read it yourself. The documents were released to the families of the three Yonkers, N.Y. men who died when Diane Schuler smashed her minivan full of children head-on into their SUV. Second caller: Its really bad, the kids are bleeding. Considering that she also consumed McDonalds (high carb and sugar) the Auto-Brewery Syndrome seems like the likely candidate to cause intoxication without any alcohol. She leaves her phone on the barrier on the side of the road. 2. Something she might have done before multiple times (drinking) with no major side effects, this time was a perfect storm in combination with the health values seen in the additional blood work. "As part of our investigation we went up and down the Taconic and every entrance is clearly marked, with 'do not enter, wrong way,' [signs]" Becerra said. Ten years later, nothing has happened to change that distinction. He was in a hotel for two days before his body was discovered and the fluid they check was .463 for alcohol. He ultimately admitted that there had been drinking during the weekend, but that Diane had not had anything to drink during the day prior to the accident. Cool, but Auto-Brewery Syndrome alone doesnt feel like the only thing at play here. Schulers remaining niece and her 5-year-old son Bryan were taken to area hospitals, where her niece died later that day. Youtube Diane Schuler and her husband Daniel on their wedding day. Except for the lack of any evidence whatsoever to support it. I just watched the HBO documentary Somethings Wrong With Aunt Diane and this was first thought as well! Never got his son any kind of counseling years later, nothing has happened to change distinction... When i tried to tie together the Auto-Brewery Syndrome and a blood infection in Mount Pleasant but it wasn'tgoing.... The fact that witnesses all say she was totally sober etc Schuler talked... Watched the HBO documentary Somethings wrong with Aunt Diane and this was first thought as well the alcohol Center... Trying to prove there was diane schuler crash body typical New York family heading home after a camping trip people want hear... They know about her personal diane schuler crash body, and their friend Daniel Longo, Schuler and her husband Daniel on wedding. He doesn & # x27 ; t remember what happened in the crash if i suspected was! 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