The short hop would turn out to be rather eventful for its 89 passengers and six crew members. CB Lansing was blown out of the plane when a front section of the planes fuselage ripped off in a flight from Hilo, Hawaii to Honolulu, Hawaii. Prior to the flight from Hilo to Honolulu, the Boeing 737-200 aircraft had undergone a normal walkaround pre-flight inspectionby the First Officer, who did not find anything unusual. [2] The aircraft was later scrapped in 2003. But Lansing, a 37-year veteran of the airline, was on board. Clarabelle Lansing's body was not recovered from the decompression explosion that occurred on Aloha Airlines Flight 243. It is unknown what, if any [content_title] => "The man in the 'F seat,' he was starting to look apprehensive after my not being able to talk to the cockpit. They tried to keep the plane steady, but it yawed. Clarabelle (C.B.) Lansing, the senior flight attendant, vanished with the aluminum roof. Jane Sato-Tomita, the other flight attendant, was struck on the head and lay bleeding and unconscious on the floor. "The first time I saw her I thought she was dead," Honda said. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Mrs. Lansing, 57, apparently was sucked out of an Aloha jet carrying 95 people Thursday after a third of the Boeing 737s fuselage tore away during a Hilo-to-Honolulu flight, officials said. Paragliders record never-before-seen footage of world's second-tallest mountain, Elizabeth Holmes has 2nd child as prison sentence looms, Dozens of sharks swarm fishing boat in feeding frenzy off Louisiana coast, video shows, Snow plow drivers prepare for another round of winter weather, Round out your summer garden with health-conscious plants alongside your herbs and spices, FSU women's basketball: Ta'Niya Latson and Makayla Timpson earn ACC postseason honors, Texas City middle schooler arrested; 2nd student goes to hospital after knife used during fight. The 19 year old Boeing 737, named Queen Liliuokalani was one of the most common jet liners in the world. was a pretty by-the-book person," Honda said. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. As fuselage examinations of the aircraft were scheduled during the night, this made it more difficult to carry out an adequate inspection of its outer skin. I had had her on several of my flights to Hilo.. ["Detail"]=> One fatality occurred, 58-year-old flight attendant Clarabelle C.B. Lansing, who was swept out of the airplane while standing near the fifth-row seats; her body was never found. Read more: Death on Southwest Plane Shatters Record U.S. Safety String - Bloomberg At that point, I figured from my first aid training to leave that kind of stuff in," she said. Manage Settings January 10, 2023. Webclarabelle lansing documentary; texas state bobcat stadium bag policy + brooklyn cyclones box seats; texte touchant pour anniversaire meilleure amie. WebClarabell Lansing was a Chief flight attendant for Aloha Airlines. One remains in critical condition, according to Dr. Charles Mitchell, director of emergency services. Its funny. The scene on the ground was in many ways more painful, Honda said. Webanthony apocalypse costume; mark dellagrotte record; shohreh aghdashloo ever after; wendy's employment verification; is it haram to wear shorts to sleep Soon, the pilots are faced with the fact they may crash and passengers would die, and both Mimi and Bob have flashbacks to her training days and his US Air Force times, respectively. CaptainSchornstheimerdescribed the flight controls as loose and sluggish. : , array(1) { WebThis is Aloha Airlines veteran flight attendant Clarabelle CB Lansing. Kukla, Edward Richard was born on January 31, 1941 in Detroit, Michigan, United States. [created] => 2023-02-27 12:42:06 From the start, Flight 243 couldn't have been more routine. [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 At 13:25, flight 243 departed for the capital that it would never reach on that day. Co-pilot , : , 1952 , , They were just doing a good job, he said. March 1, 2023, 6:31 PM. The cause of the devastating failure of the airplanes hull was deemed to be metal stress fatigue brought on by age and salt air corrosion. WSYM - Lansing Scripps. Webchris mellon arizona obituary. The Boeing 737-200 was flying from Hilo, Hawaii to Honolulu, Hawaii, when it experienced rapid decompression when a section of the fuselage was torn away. The debriefings are over now. The aircraft commander was Captain Robert L. Schornstheimer, an Airline Transport Pilot with 8,500 flight hours, of which 6,700 hours was in the Boeing 737. string(11) "Image_1.gif" Webwhat was the louvre before it was a museum. We try to present our students with historical topics that are both diverse and a bit out of the ordinary. She was sucked out of a plane at 24,000 feet and killed. Jim Kilgariff remembers hearing a deafening roar, seeing the sky and wondering for five awful minutes whether there was still a pilot aboard Flight 243. A stewardess was lying in the aisle, and I had to step over the life raft. And then, whoosh! Of the 89 passengers aboard, seven remained hospitalized Saturday. Boeing 737-297 N73711 was damaged beyond repair. East Lansing High School wrestler Mya Terranova makes history. A Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controller was on the flight deck as an observer. The 737-200 is 100 feet, 2 inches (30.531 meters) long with a wingspan of 93 feet, 0 inches (28.346 meters) and overall height of 36 feet, 10 inches (11.227 meters). I didn't want to get to that point." On April 28, 1988, Lansing was working Aloha Flight 243 from Hilo, Hawaii, to Honolulu when soon after takeoff the The approximate location of the failure was found between the cabin door and the jet bridge hood. is jordan smith still married / boston children's hospital cafe menu / boston children's hospital cafe menu Flight Attendant Jane Sato-Tomita sustained serious head injuries and was unconscious. Mimi Tompkins also stayed with Aloha and rose totherank of captain. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. Kilgariff called his wife from the hospital and told her about his afternoon. Following his military service, he worked as a police officer eventually earning the rank of captain prior to his retirement. 2014 - 2023. stdClass Object KAHULUI, HAWAII, APRIL 29 -- Aloha Airlines flight attendant Clarabelle Lansing was in the first-class section of Flight 243, at 24,000 feet 20 minutes out of Hilo ", A gaping hole had opened the roof of the Boeing 737-200 jet with an explosive sound as pressurized air in the cabin blasted into the atmosphere, apparently pulling Lansing, 55, to her death, and exposing the aircraft and 94 others aboard to a tornado of wind that quickly peeled back the top of the cabin from the cockpit to the wing, one witness said, "like a banana.". Webclarabelle lansing documentary. I was afraid we were going to crash.". WebClarabell Lansing was a Chief flight attendant for Aloha Airlines. During the NTSB investigation, a passenger reported having seen a crack in the fuselage when boarding the flight, but did not say anything about it to the crew. HuffPost 'Daily Show' Guest Hasan Minhaj Has Filthiest Explanation For Tucker Carlson. Three crew members: Madeleine "Mimi" Tompkins (Connie Sellecca), Captain Robert "Bob" Schornstheimer (Wayne Rogers) and Flight Attendant Michelle Honda (Ana Alicia) are flying together on Paradise Airlines Flight 243. Flanigan, his wife and 59 other passengers and crew were treated at the hospital after the emergency landing in Kahului at 1:58 p.m. A few oxygen masks popped out, but didn't work. "When they had time to start asking questions, I felt there was a potential for hysteria," Honda said. On April 28, 1988, Aloha Airlines flight 243 was on the way to Honolulu from Hilo when a huge portion of the upper part of the fuselage blew off the airplane. I was No. The Boeing 737 landed on Runaway 02 at Kahalui Airportat 13:58:45, just over ten minutes since the emergency began. ", All the passengers were wearing their seatbelts. The 737-200 first flew 8 August 1967. National Museum of the United States Air Force, Test & Research Pilots, Flight Test Engineers, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Captain Schornstheimer remained with Aloha Airlines until he retired in 2005. Dorothy Hendricks (Herta Ware) leans out of the airliner and appears to be in a state of shock before her husband George (Jack Murdock) notices and pulls her back inside. First Officer Tompkins handled all communications as well asassistingthecaptain flying the airplane. She had flown 8,000 hours, with 3,500 in the B-737. We made it!" Clarabelle lived in 1935, at address, New York. ["GalleryID"]=> "My central thought was to get Jane to the back of the aircraft." "Because the upper structure was gone, there was a possibility of the plane buckling. WebThe Ghost of Flight 243. The Hilo-to-Honolulu run usually carried a lot of local islanders -- Lansing knew them all -- and this trip was no different. She was gone. During the explosion, the ceiling of the AQ Boeing 737-200was torn open. She was at work--she hadnt heard anything, he said, but she was calm.. I really thought I was being burned alive.". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I assumed they were there because we were making turns," she said. I would have grabbed him and kissed him, Samson said. History Short: Americas First Spy Satellite, A Failure! The tower alerts Kahului Fire and Rescue personnel and they arrive before the crippled jet lands. There was one fatality, flight attendant Clarabelle "C.B." WebPart of the roof of the 737 blew off resulting in the death of one person, Clarabelle Lansing, who was a flight attendant serving drinks. The jet safely at Kahului Airport 15 minutes later. Her body has not been found. At this time Flight 243 began to yaw and roll. Lansing was a veteran flight attendant of 37 years at the time of the incident. He was across the aisle in a B seat. One mother asked me to Its a common misconception that Challenger exploded. What happened was, an O-ring seal on one of the solid boosters sprung a leak, which allowed t The anomaly found by the initial investigation was a longitudinal fuselage crack, which, after checks, turned out to be a fissurein the upper row of rivets along the stringer S-10L lap joint. "There was a smoke-like vapor in all the debris flying around," she said. . "I told her, 'Mommy's got a mechanical and I'm not going to be home for a while,' " she said. When I saw how close the ground was, I knew he was going to take it in, but I didnt know if the plane would break apart on the ground or what, Samson said. It started with a hole about a yard wide, and it just kept coming apart. The wing is swepty 25.00 at chord, and there are 6 dihedral. At that moment, the roof flew off of the aircraft, and the 58-year-old flight attendant, Clarabelle Lansing, who was in row 5, was ejected into the void. I told him I couldn't help him. She went back to the aisle and, for reasons she does not understand, asked a man if he knew how to fly. Emergency crews appeared and began yelling at people to make their way to the back of the plane and get off. Samson told the frightened strangers on either side of him to relax, again and again, during those 13 hellish minutes that seemed like hours before the plane landed. When the fuselage decompressed, Chief Flight Attendant Clarabelle Ho Lansing had been standing in the aisle at Row 5. After some time, the airliner lands but with difficulties in the brakes and hydraulics. katharine viner adrian chiles katharine viner adrian chiles. Descending through 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) he began to slow the airliner, but below 170 knots (195.6 miles per hour/314.8 kilometers per hour), it became less controllable so he maintained that speed fortheapproachto the runway. Air and sea crews searched the Pacific Ocean for Mrs. Lansing without success. The passengers near the hole had been battered and cut by flying debris. If there had been, they would have had to have walked through a 30-foot stretch of open cabin to get to the cockpit. 13h ago. Webwhat is wrong with franklin baby on tiktok. Incredibly, the other 90 passengers and 4 crew members all survived, although 65 of them were injured. 84% 6% 50% 500 . WebClarabelle Lansing, born Circa 1934 Clarabelle Lansing was born circa 1934, at birth place, New York, to William Lansing and Ethel Lansing. But her stockings were in shreds and her skirt and blouse were covered with blood. "This is when I saw the plane veering toward the right and I knew we were going to make a landing on Maui.". The Boeing 737-200 was damaged beyond repair and was dismantled on site. Photo: By Charles ORear, 1941-, Photographer (NARA record: 3403717)This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. WebClarabelle Lansing's body was not recovered from the decompression explosion that occurred on Aloha Airlines Flight 243. He raised his head a little and squinted through burning eyes. She crawled to the rear and tried to call the pilots on the radio. An anonymous post on the internet described the co-pilot,-MtrnI Tompkins, saying that "her blazing red hair turned white within two weeks. 3 of 3. So was my book., When he looked up and saw blue skies, Samsons first thought was: Oh God, this is the way Im going to die., . [category_id] => 4625 : 2022625 : clarabelle lansing documentary Honda could barely move against the wind. Plot [ edit] In February 1988, two pilots in a Parts of D-check items were included in the overnight B-checks. . %3E Why wasn't the body of Clarabelle "C.B. Lansing recovered from the decompression explosion that occurred Aloha Airlines Flight 243? The flight BookSurge Publishing, 2008. Kilgariff, 62, who was two rows behind the damaged part of the cabin and escaped with minor injuries, calmly recounted his ordeal Saturday. I was in my position. But then, how did she get back to the floor of the coach cabin? Telltale traces of human blood, the final legacy of the single fatality of one of history's most spectacular aviation accidents, betray additional insight into the Later on, when we got off, she said: I just wanted to see if you were still there. Because you couldnt tell. Only Sato-Tomita was not strapped in. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter USCGC Cape Corwin coordinated a three-day search along with Coast Guard and Marine Corps helicopters, airplanes and other ships. The guilt was there because I had been sitting down and I went down the aisle and turned around to face aft so I wouldn't have to meet her eyes.". 1990 television film directed by Dick Lowry, Rascals and Robbers: The Secret Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, Living Proof: The Hank Williams Jr. Story, A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story,, Films about aviation accidents or incidents, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Patty Toy as Jane Sato-Tomita, Flight Attendant, This page was last edited on 29 January 2023, at 04:53. To any guest readers, please keep that in mind when commenting on articles. Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. There were screams, then silence. I looked up front and saw the front of the top left of the airplane disintegrating, just going apart, pieces of it flying away. Michelle then begins to instruct the passengers on a possible crash landing or water landing and passes out life jackets. I called up a customer in Maui and invited him to dinner. A memorial garden was opened in 1995 to honor Lansing at Honolulu International Airport (HNL). } When the airplane climbed to 24,000 feet, an explosive decompressiontook place. The green light did not come on, but neither did the red light. I am a grammar and sci-fi literature geek who loves editing text and film. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. , / April 29, 1988 KAHULUI, Hawaii (AP) _ Clarabelle Lansing, the Aloha Airlines flight attendant presumed dead after a jet blew open at 24,000 feet, was a 37 "My first concern was keeping my breathing shallow because I couldn't get to an oxygen mask," she said. Lansing, the senior flight attendant, vanished with the aluminum roof. He wanted to know why in the hell I was calling so late, Kilgariff said. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It was the smoothest landing I ever had.. The plane was bouncing all over the place and there was a fear that the front section would rip apart and the plane would split in two and then it would be aloha, he said. Sometimes she went to the galley to eat lunch. CB22 4QR. There were wires hanging all around, wrapped around me," Flanigan said. "I remember yelling 'I'm being electrocuted.' The Waikiki businessman had been looking forward to a nap on the 45-minute flight home from rainy Hilo. Once on the runway, at the hospital and then back home, Kilgariff said. WebOn April 28, 1988, a Boeing 737-297 serving the flight suffered extensive damage after an explosive decompression in flight, but was able to land safely at Kahului Airport on Maui. "C.B. The -200 first flew 8 August 1967. ["ImageName"]=> March 1, 2023, 6:31 PM. From flying in fighter jets to riding motorcycles off mountains, Tom Cruise's movie career has allowed him an adventurous life and he's grateful for it. She was under debris.". She was at the head of the aisle collecting empty glasses. Press Esc to cancel. VPN to ZTNA. } JT8D-9A was a two-spool engine with a 2-stage fan section, 11-stage compressor (4 low- and 7 high-pressure stages), nine combustion chambers and a 4-stage turbine (1 high- and 3 low-pressure stages). "The closer you came to the hole, the more intense the wind was. 1,095 200s were built. Another passenger, Stanford Samson, had just bought a beer and was reading a book on computer software when the plane broke open. Her body was never recovered. (Its maximum certificated takeoff weight was 100,000 pounds (45,359 kilograms). The wind, for example. Over a pot of tea in the hotel bar, Kilgariff chatted with his friend. She kept her eyes almost closed to tiny slits. WebInicio; Servicios. It was kind of white. 28 April 1988: Aloha Airlines Flight 243, a Boeing 737-297 airliner, FAA registration N73711, namedQueen Liliuokalani, was enroute from Hilo International Airport (IPO) to Honolulu International Airport (HNL) with a crew of 5 and 89 passengers. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The plane was out of control for the first five minutes, sort of yawing back and forth, he said. So this time Honda went to her seat in the rear. Webanthony apocalypse costume; mark dellagrotte record; shohreh aghdashloo ever after; wendy's employment verification; is it haram to wear shorts to sleep Table of Contents: A History of the World, A Guide to Some of Our Favorite Scholars and Educators, Advance Screenings and Movie Reviews Archive, Schedule of Video Adaptations of Our Articles, Happy Halloween: A Brief Look at Halloween Over the Years, July 28, 1866: 18 Year Old Girl Wins Commission to Sculpt Statue of Lincoln (A Truly Great American Woman), December 24, 1865: Birth of the Ku Klux Klan, December 25, 1868: President Johnson Pardons all Confederate Veterans. The JT8D-9A was 42.5 inches (1.080 meters) in diameter, 123.5 inches (3.137 meters) long, and weighed 3,196 pounds (1,450 kilograms). WSYM - Lansing Scripps. Yes, she has flown. First Officer pilot Tompkins has been selected for training to become a full Captain in the airline, having been the first female pilot to be hired by Paradise in 1979. The incident would have far-reaching consequences foraviation safetypolicies and procedures. Kilgariff said five other survivors joined him on the flight home. This incident has to be one of if not the most amazing tales of surviving an aircraft disaster of all time. Aloha Airlines sent Kilgariff and other ambulatory passengers to the hotel, but Kilgariff decided not to spend the night on Maui, but instead to take Alohas 8:30 p.m. flight back to Oahu. [asset_id] => 15246 [category_title] => I paid a dollar for that beer. That would put Sato-Tomita up front, Honda figures. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. +:966126531375 Her body was never recovered. Kilgariff picked up his briefcase from under the seat in front of him--I guess I probably had my feet on it--and picked his way through the cluttered aisle. "He said, 'Could you take this off?' We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I had fiberglass in my eyes.. WebSaturday marks 30 years since that deadly Aloha Airlines flight 243 accident that killed the 58-year-old flight attendant, Clarabelle Lansing, whose body was never found. Finally after several tense minutes, Mimi and Bob are able to figure out a plan for the emergency. Gail Kornberg becomes hysterical when she cannot get a life jacket for David, but soon is calmed by Michelle. His eyes were searching. We weren't congregating. If he hadn't been real careful, it could have busted in two.". Every one of us.. Thirteen persons, including Joy Flanigan were admitted to the hospital overnight, and seven were still there late today. I thought we were going to hit the ocean.. The jettisoned Flight Attendant would never be found. [catid] => 4625 I thought about my wife and five kids, Samson said. Alive until impact? Yes. Awake and aware? Unknown for sure, but there is some anecdotal evidence that would point toward yes. First off, most of th This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Featured image: Accident aircraft photo taken in 1973. On April 28, 1988, Lansing was working Aloha Flight 243 from Hilo, Hawaii, to Honolulu when soon after takeoff the 1/10/1990: The Prototype MD-11 Takes to the Skies. Fuselage remains after the emergency landing, Animated Map of the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine (through March 1st, 2023). Even more troubling are the gaps in her memory, the unexplained movements such as the appearance and equally sudden disappearance of a life raft in the aisle. As the pilots brought the jet down quickly from the high altitude, Honda inched back and forth in the aisle and kept panic from overtaking the passengers. string(1) "3" Honda says that one of her greatest fears was that she would panic in an emergency. WebPinnwnde sind ideal zum Speichern von Bildern und Videoclips. This was always the last flight of the day for the crew, and right after the drinks were served Honda usually took a little break. string(1) "1" I know I did. }, , - , , , , She was thrown out of the airplane and fell to the ocean, 24,000 feet (7,315 meters) below. string(15) "" [introtext] => ::cck::6319::/cck:: array(1) { Webaisle, Clarabelle Ho Lansing, was swept out of the mas- sive hole in the plane and never found. ["GalleryID"]=> . Danh mc . The aircraft used for the movie, bearing the colors of the fictitious Paradise Airlines, is a Boeing 737-297CT (Advanced), registered as N70723. Instinctively, Kilgariff tucked his head between his knees and began mentally rehearsing what he would do when the jet went down. Webteste para saber qual o meu karma. Eight other people suffered serious injuries. Roy Wesler (Glenn Cannon) panics when he sees hydraulic fluid leaking from the wings. In the chaos, Michelle falls to the floor and clings to a passenger's seat, C.B. It took me about four beers to calm down, Samson said. Webflight 255 crash victims photos what to use instead of foil for bong There was one fatality, flight attendant Clarabelle "C.B." Jane Sato-Tomita, the other flight attendant, was struck on the head and lay bleeding and unconscious on the floor. I really, really feel bad about that stewardess, Kilgariff said. An anonymous post on the internet described the co-pilot,-MtrnI Tompkins, saying that "her blazing red hair turned white within two weeks. Clarabelle (C.B.) CaptainSchornstheimerfelt that it was imperative to get the airliner ontheground, so there was no time to troubleshoot the landing gear. That's why I say blizzard, although it wasn't cold." The 35-year-old native Hawaiian had been flying for Aloha for 14 years, and her training told her that the jet was experiencing a rapid cabin decompression. [0]=> He was scared, but he didn't say anything. [0]=> What happened to the jet reads like a Hollywood disaster movie plot. [urls] => {"urla":"","urlatext":"","targeta":"","urlb":"","urlbtext":"","targetb":"","urlc":"","urlctext":"","targetc":""} Obviously, the jet was considered a total loss. At the time oftheaccident, the airframe had accumulated 35,496 hours (TTAF) with 89,680 cycles. In February 1988, two pilots in a flight simulator face the challenge of landing a crippled jet that experiences a cabin decompression, an engine fire and a loss of hydraulics. I was crawling and dragging. To view it, confirm your age. She lived in 1940, at address, New York. WebOn April 28, 1988, a Boeing 737-297 serving the flight suffered extensive damage after an explosive decompression in flight, but was able to land safely at Kahului Airport on Maui. I just took one sip and it was gone. 27-Feb-2023 400 22 shares Like Most relevant Marsha What happened to CB Lansing? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. A flight attendant, Clarabelle Lansing, was sucked out of the plane through a hole that was torn in the fuselage and fell to her death. Additional damage to the airplane included damaged and dented horizontal stabilizers, both of which had been struck by flying debris. On the way to the hospital after the safe landing, Samson began to shake. The Boeing 737-200 series was a short-to-medium range narrow body twin-engine civil transport. I felt the pilot coming in. Michelle has a flashback to walking the shoreline with her father who as a soldier in the Army, has died. clarabelle lansing documentary (1) 1992 high school basketball player rankings (1) why do they check your elbows when donating plasma? "I could see the sky. You could ask her anything and shed answer your questions.. [0]=> But that`s what happened April 28, 1988, to Aloha Airlines flight attendant Clarabelle Lansing. From flying in fighter jets to riding motorcycles off mountains, Tom Cruise's movie career has allowed him an adventurous life and he's grateful for it. In his later review, Sergio Ortega said: "Miracle Landing is one of the most technically accurate air disaster movies ever. But I realized the staples had stapled into the side of his face and his face was being pulled by the staples. "I couldn't believe it," Flanigan said Friday at the Maui Beach Hotel, where he was recuperating and waiting for his wife to be released from Maui Memorial Hospital. Back in the 80s, these circumstances were not sufficiently regarded during the release of the AQ maintenance program and its approval by the FAA. "I remember saying, 'Joy, my God, the guy is still flying this plane.' "I thought to myself, 'Oh God,' and took out my little purple plastic bag," Honda said. From her seat, Honda spotted Lansing in a mirror that flight attendants use to watch the cabin. It is unknown what, if any, effects her being sucked Read full article. Pilots Captain Robert Schornstheimer, 44, and Debris pushed into her throat every time she yelled a command. History Short: What was the First Movie to Gross over $1 Billion? Thank you! Other flight attendant Clarabelle `` C.B. appeared and began yelling at people to make their way to airplane. And sci-fi literature geek who loves editing text and film, 1952,, they were there we. Old Boeing 737 landed on Runaway 02 at Kahalui Airportat 13:58:45, just over ten minutes the. 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